The release of the new CiraNet Cloud based app was reimagined from the ground up for a faster, easier to navigate, and more unique and advanced functionality. We are excited to take you on a tour of its features and allow you to utilize CiraNet with an increased speed and efficiency unlike ever before!
Table of Contents
- Community Workspace Overview
- Widgets
- Creating your Customized Community Workspace
- Searches and Quick Links
- Navigation Footer
- My Workspace
- Communications
- Compliance
- Information
- Board / Committee Members
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Financial Reports
- General Ledger
- Community Management
- Projects / Tasks
- Property Workspace
- Additional Information
- Architectural Application
- Compliance
- Contact Information
- Manage ACC
- Owner Information
- Portal Dashboard
- Property Information
- Report a Violation
- Resident Portal Documents
- Restrictions Summary
- Statement
- Work Orders
- Violations
Community Workspace Overview
When you log into the CiraNet Management Portal, you will land on the Community Workspace for your community. The Community Workspace replaces the Community Dashboard you may be familiar with from CiraNet Classic. It looks similar to the old Community Dashboard and different at the same time. One key difference is the main navigation menu is now on the left instead of across the top (although that latter format is still available as an alternate should you prefer to use it). The main navigation menu consists of Community, CiraBooks, and My Work Queue However, clicking on the three blue dots on the upper right section of the black menu calls up a horizontal menu similar to the navigation menu in CiraNet Classic. The options underneath each heading are the same as the options under each menu header on the left. Each of these menus will be explored in greater detail in this presentation.
In addition, a Bookmark feature has been added next to the three blue dots which allows you to bookmark your favorite pages to quickly and conveniently return to those pages you use the most.
The other key difference you will notice is that the Community Workspace is now composed of customizable widgets! To start you off, a Community Landing page has been created that looks very much like the old Community Dashboard in CiraNet. It consists of 9 widgets. If this Community Workspace works for you, you may never need or want to do anything with the customizable widgets.But if you do, they allow you to create your own, personalized Community Workspace containing only the widgets you want, and none that you don’t. What is a widget? If you look at your new Community Workspace, you will notice that there are nine individual boxes each containing information pertinent to that widget. In the screenshot below, you can see the Work Processed –Last 30 Days widget, the Community Photos widget, and the Community Calendar widget. Most widgets contain an X in the upper right that, when clicked, expands the widget to full screen size, and when clicked again, brings it back to its reduced size.
Scrolling a little further down, you will find the Quick Links widget, containing more Quick Links to commonly used features within the platform, followed by the Community Metrics widget displaying important information about your community, and the Community Statistics widget providing even more helpful information about your community. You will notice these widgets contain the same information displayed in CiraNet Classic, but just in a new format.
And finally, the last three widgets on the standard Community Workspace include the Community Service Team widget showing you the local team that services your community, the Local Service Office widget showing you the office that your community is managed out of, and the Platted Lots widget, showing you ownership of the lots in your community. Put together, these widgets resemble the old community dashboard in CiraNet Classic. If you are satisfied with these, you may never care to learn any more about widgets and creating your own, personalized workspace, and that is perfectly fine! However, if you enjoy widgets and the idea of creating your own, customized Community Dashboard sounds ideal to you, then we’ve got you covered.
Creating your Customized Community Workspace
To begin creating your own Community Workspace, click on the settings wheel in the far upper right, and then “+Configure New”. 1) Give your new workspace a name. 2) Check the Default box to make this your default workspace. 3) Check the Auto Fit to Width box to make the workspace fit your screen and avoid scroll bars. 4) Choose Scroll to have all widgets fit on one screen or Carousel to have them spread across numerous screens you’ll need to move through. 5) Choose how many sections you wish to have (which depends on how many widgets you want). 6) Once your sections appear, within each, indicate how many columns you want in each. 7) Finally, select which widget you want displayed in each by clicking in the box and choosing a widget from the drop-down menu. There are a total of 20 widgets to choose from. Click the green Save button when you are done.
Click the Settings Wheel –then click + Configure New to create your custom Community Workspace!
Prefer not to? That’s OK too! The Community Workspace that was designed for you should meet most of your needs. Most features are also accessible directly from the Navigation Menu. The customization will be there for you when you want it!
For your convenience, below is a listing of the 20 available Widgets, and the information each would display if imported into your customized Community Workspace.
- Account Status Summary – pie chart displaying Current, Delinquent and Prepaid Owners by Percentage and Quantity
- Cash & Investment by Account Summary – pie chart displaying funds in all bank accounts as of close of business of previous business day
- Operating Fund – TTM Expenses Summary – pie chart displaying expenditures by category during the TTM (i.e., landscaping, repairs, etc.)
- Violations Summary – pie chart displaying number and percentage of owners in violation of and in compliance with use restrictions
- Platted Lots Summary – pie chart displaying number of platted lots within the community including ownership (owner or association)
- Conveyance – TTM – graph displaying number of property conveyances during the trailing twelve months (TTM)
- Community Service Team – a listing of the local management team that services your community, including your Community Association Manager, Assistant Community Association Manager, Director of Community Association Management, VP and/or Branch Manager
- Local Service Office – the address of the local office that services your community association with the support of the CiraConnect Shared Service Groups
- Community Statistics – Includes community’s legal name, formation date, fiscal year, lot count, type, contract start date, and description
- Community Photos – photos of the entrance and other common areas taken periodically by the local management team
- Board / Committee Members – a listing of the board and committee members that serve your community with contact information
- Information – general community information including board/annual meeting info, landscaper, trash service, insurance agent, etc.
- Legal Information – assessment remittance addresses, excerpts from your governing documents, association attorney, FEIN # & more
- Resident Directory – a listing of all addresses within the community, and names/contact info of residents who opted to share it with neighbors
- Community Map – an interactive community map that allows isolation of lots/units that meet certain desired criteria
- Community Calendar – the community calendar displaying meetings, events, inspections, maintenance calendar, contract expirations, etc.
- Work Processed – Last 30 Days – work completed by the management company within the previous 30 days with hyperlinks
- RealManage Management Agreement – links to our Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Standard Terms and Conditions
- Community Metrics – includes number of owners delinquent over 30 days, 60 days, percentage of owners with off-site mailing addresses, owners registered on ACH, call volume statistics, current fiscal year, and lawsuit status
- Quick Links – quick and convenient links to frequently used features in the platform, including Project/Tasks, Resident Announcements, Open AP, Work Orders, most recently published management report and financial report, most recent meeting minutes, and more!
Once you have finished creating your new custom workspace, perform a refresh, and you will see your new, customized workspace appear on the main navigation menu on the left under Community Workspace, along with the original Community Landing – Board community workspace. In the screenshot below you will notice you looks much different. That is the power of the customizable workspaces utilizing the widgets! If you do not like your new community workspace, you wish to change its name, make changes to the layout, add or remove widgets, or just delete it and start over, you can do all of that from the settings wheel on the upper right where you began creating your new customized workspace. Click the edit icon to edit or the red trash can icon to delete. You can create as many workspaces as you like and toggle back and forth depending on your needs.
Searches and Quick Links
the new Community Workspace contains several convenient search features. Click on the blue house icon in the far upper left to search for an owner. After selecting the house, type in part of their name or address, and click on the search symbol. A list of owners matching the search criteria will appear. Click on their address hyperlink (or their account number hyperlink not shown here) to go to their account.
If for some reason you lose your way, click the second icon (the arrow) to navigate back to the Community Workspace.
The third search icon is the Navigation Menu search. If you do not remember where something is on the menu, click this icon and type in what you are looking for. In this example, we searched for Board Approvals and you can see the results. If you are a board member who needs to approve invoices or architectural requests, and you do not remember where the board approvals module is, this is a perfect solution!
Navigation Footer
the new Community Workspace contains a new Navigation Footer on the lower left. This footer contains another search feature that appears as a magnifying glass symbol.
Clicking on this symbol brings up another, more powerful search tool. Here you can search for current owners by any piece of information you might have (name, address, email address, phone number, etc.). You can also change the search type from “Properties / Current Owners” to “Properties / All Owners” to locate records for previous owners.
You may have noticed there are other search types available. For example, select Projects / Tasks and enter a key word in the search field to search Project / Tasks for those that contain the word you are looking for. Perhaps you are looking for all tasks associated with landscaping. Type landscaping in the Search For field and a list will appear of all the Project / Tasks that have the word Landscaping in them. The same logic applies to Work Orders, Architectural Applications, etc. If you want to know the status of an invoice, select Invoices / Workflow from the Search Type and type the invoice or workflow number in the Search For field to find it quickly and easily.
Next to the Search feature on the new Navigation Footer is the Contact Us feature. This is a Quick Link that will bring you to a page containing helpful links on a wide variety of topics.
Need a little help with the new navigation? Approving Invoices? Searching for Invoices? Accessing Community Documents? Click the icon associated with the area you need an extra hand with to be directed to CiraHelp where additional information and training resources await!
Next to the Contact Us feature on the new Navigation Footer is a Quick Link to the Community Calendar. Clicking here will bring you directly to your Community Calendar. We will discuss the Community Calendar in a bit more detail a bit later in this presentation. For now, just know that this is a little shortcut to the calendar the developers have given you.
And finally, on the far right of the Navigation Footer is a question mark. Throughout the CiraNet Management Portal you will find blue question marks strategically placed next to various topics. For example, next to AP Ledger you might find a blue question mark. That question mark will take you to CiraHelp, but it will take you directly to the page in CiraHelp that addresses the AP Ledger. This white question mark on the Navigation Footer takes you to CiraHelp, but not to any specific page. Clicking here brings you to the main CiraHelp page and from there, you can enter a word or words in the search field to locate information on the topic you seek.
A few more Quick Links exist on the upper right. The first is the megaphone icon symbolizing company announcements. This is where you will find announcements about opportunities for continuing education webinars and more! When you see a number in a red circle, be sure to click here and read the announcements! Click on the green “Mark as Read” symbol once you have read them to clear the red numbers.
Next to that you should see your name. Click on your name to access Preferences or to Log Out.
When you select Preferences, you can customize the following settings to suit your personal preference, including your time zone, color theme (change to Blue Dark background if you prefer a dark background to a light background), scrollbar mode/type, and more. Click Apply when finished.
Finally, there will be several modules throughout the platform where you will find the following menu of Quick Links. Below you will find a description of each.
#1 - SEARCH – clicking this symbol opens a search box in which you can enter a word or words to search for.
#2 - EXPAND ALL - clicking this symbol fully expands all collapsed levels of your grid. Once your grid is fully expanded, the symbol changes to the COLLAPSE ALL symbol allowing you to fully collapse your grid again when you are ready with one click. #3 - COLUMN CHOOSER – this functions the same as the version in CiraNet Classic. Clicking this symbol opens the COLUMN CHOOSER feature which allows you to either pull concealed columns into your grid or remove columns you do not need displayed. #4 - SAVE LAYOUT - clicking this symbol after you modify your grid format will save your customized layout. #5 - RESET LAYOUT - clicking this symbol will reset your grid to the default setting. #6 - EXPORT TO EXCEL - clicking this symbol will export your grid to an Excel worksheet.
#7 - EXPORT TO CSV - clicking this symbol will export your grid to a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. #8 - ENABLE / DISABLE ROW HOT TRACK - clicking this symbol once activates the ROW HOT TRACK feature which highlights the row your cursor is on when working in a grid. Clicking it a second time deactivates the feature.
My Workspace
There may be times when some board member serve on and have access to multiple communities. This is common in the case of builders and developers. When these board members log into the CiraNet Management Portal, instead of landing on the Community Workspace, they may land on My Workspace as shown below. The communities you have access to will be listed under My Communities. Just click the Community Name hyperlink to go to the Community Workspace for the community you wish to access.
Board members serving one community only should be taken directly to the Community Workspace upon login. If for some reason you are directed to My Workspace, just follow the same instructions as above – click on the community name hyperlink to be redirected to your Community Workspace.
The first item on the Community Menu is Communications, which include the items listed below. The following pages will explore each in greater detail.
- Announcement Log – Community Announcements contain important messages for residents that pop up when they log into the Resident Portal. Announcements may be created by the CAM or by the board members.
- Mail Merge – a Mail Merge feature that allows the user to merge owner name and address information into a label or letter template, much like the mail merge feature contained in most word processing software programs.
- Resident Contact Logs – a summary of resident contacts over the previous 30 days and since the inception of our management agreement, sorted by category.
Announcement Log
the Community Association Manager can create a Community Announcement whenever there is a message needing to be communicated to the community members. It may be in addition to a mass email, or it may be something that does not require an email, and for which the announcement itself is sufficient (for example, landscape maintenance tips). Announcements pop up when a resident logs in so they cannot overlook them. Announcements may also be created by board members, which comes in handy if something occurs on the weekend or after business hours that the board wants communicated via an announcement.
When this page is selected, Active Announcements automatically appear. Expired announcements remain available on the Expired tab, where they can be accessed, modified, and made active again if necessary. When mass emails are sent, an Announcement can be automatically created during the process, eliminating the need to create a manual Announcement. To view the email, click on the “Details” hyperlink contained in the Announcement. To create an Announcement, click on the blue “+ Add New Announcement” button. Any time an Announcement needs to be modified (for example, to extend the expiration date, it can be modified from the blue edit icon next to the red trash can. Similarly, an announcement can be deleted by clicking on the red trash can. Announcements are a great, no-cost tool to communicating brief messages of importance to your community members.
Mail Merge
the Mail Merge tool allows the user to generate mailing labels or form letters from the owner records of a community association much like the mail merge feature in many word processing programs. Select whether you wish to merge the owner names and addresses into a label or letter template. If you choose letter, CiraNet allows you to choose from a pre-formatted template or create your own. Once you have selected or created your template, select the owners you want to merge into the template and click the blue Create Letters button to create your letters. If you get stuck, click the blue question mark next to Mail Merge. You will find those helpful links throughout CiraNet. Clicking them takes you to CiraHelp where you will find additional information and instructions targeted to the subject matter of the page you are currently on. You are sure to find them to be an extremely quick and helpful resource.
Resident Contact Logs
the Resident Contact Log provides a summary of the subjects your community residents are calling us about; this list excludes e-mail communication. In the first column labeled Last 30, calls received during the previous 30 days are shown. This is the same information that appears on the primary community workspace in the Work Processed in Last 30 days widget. In the second column labeled Historical, calls received since our management agreement began with your community will be listed. Clicking on the numbers in either of these columns will bring you to another screen where you can review more information about the calls, including which owner called (name and address), the date and time, and the call duration.
The second item on the Community Menu is Compliance. This module contains several different reports containing data on deed restriction violations at your community. Each will be explained in greater detail on the pages that follow.
- Detailed Violation Log – the most detailed listing of all OPEN violations, fixed and not fixed, with links to letters, photographs, etc.
- Last Inspection Log – a simple chart displaying violations cited during the last inspection by category, with hyperlinks to additional sources of information.
- Open Violations Log – a summary of all open violations by notice level (courtesy, standard, etc.), with hyperlinks to additional sources of information.
- Report a Violation – a place where board members can submit individual violations on an individual, address-by-address basis.
- Restriction Summary – a simplified summary of the use restrictions of your community per your governing documents.
Detailed Violation Log
the detailed violation log provides the most comprehensive listing of deed restriction violations for the community with access to copies of letters, photographs and more.
The tabs on the upper left allow you to view open violations, closed violations, or notices sent. While on the Open violations tab, with the grid grouped by Category as shown below, you can view the Category and Sub-category of all violations, location, date opened, property address, whether violation has been referred to the attorney, and in the column on the right, which notices have been sent, and the date they were sent. If a column is blank (such as the First Notice in the example below), that suggests that notice is not configured for your community. Click the counter-clockwise circle in the History column to bring up another box containing the letters and photos taken.
Last Inspection Log
the last inspection log is designed to be a summary view of the number and category of deed restriction violations observed during the past two property inspections, plus a total for the last 180 days. This summary contains hyperlinks that will take you to the Last Inspection Results detail shown in the bottom image, listing out each record that makes up the total number. Here you will find additional details including the violation subcategory, address of the violation, owner name, date opened and the history log link providing access to the letters and photo images.
Open Violations Log
the Open Violation log is designed to be a summary view of the number of open deed restriction violations by category and their current stage in the enforcement process. This graph displays the most recent notices issues for each violation, and like the others, contains hyperlinks that will take you to sources of additional information. In this summary, the hyperlinks redirect you to the Open Violations Log Detail, displaying the opened date, owner name, property address, category and subcategory, location, inspection date, additional violation details, and the history log providing access to the violation letter and images.
Report a Violation
Report a Violation allows you to report a violation directly into the platform for any property owner within the community. You will find a similar feature on the owner specific Property Workspace; however, there you will only be able to report a violation for that one specific property owner, whereas here, you can report a violation for any owner. Click in the required fields indicated with a red asterisk and make the appropriate selection from the drop-down menu in each field. Although not required, it is helpful to indicate the location, and add a detailed description. Note that the information you populate into the Regarding field is what will print on the letter. Finally, adding a photograph of the violation is recommended, as it allows us to proceed with enforcement without the need to wait to verify the violation on the next inspection. Date and time stamped is preferred, as it serves as indisputable evidence of the violation.
Restriction Summary
when your community is put onto the CiraNet platform, our team scours through your governing documents, polices, community manuals, etc., and creates this simplified listing of your Use Restrictions in this interactive format. Just click the + sign on the left to expand any of the sections, click the – to collapse it. This summary includes the rule as stated in your documents, and a simplified explanation of what needs to be done to correct it, which prints on the violation letters. This module contains a convenient search feature, allowing you to search by a key word or words. The listing also appears on the Resident Portal, providing owners with a reference to see what is allowed in the community even if they have misplaced their documents. You will also find this Restriction Summary located on the Property Workspace, since residents have access to this helpful tool as well.
The third item on the Community Menu is Information. This module contains a wide variety of data pertaining to your community. In the following pages, we will look at each of these individually, starting with….
Additional Info
this is an optional feature utilized by some communities who are required to track owner insurance, leases, vehicle/license plates, etc. If your community has such a legal requirement and one of the Additional Info tracking features is enabled, selecting this menu option will bring up a list of owner information associated with each of the configured databases. Otherwise, this page will be blank.
There are several Additional Information grids that can be enabled to allow the tracking of additional information, dependingonthe needs of your community. They include Property Owner Insurance Information, Animals/Pets, Lease Tracking Information, Vehicle Tracking and Bicycle Tracking. Below is an example of the Additional Info grid when the Property Owner Insurance tracking grid is utilized:
This would be an example of the Additional Info grid when the Vehicle Tracking grid is utilized:
Amenities & Access Control
This module contains information associated with your communities' amenities, including pools, gates, sports courts, clubhouses, fitness centers, etc. Selecting this menu option will bring up a list of all configured amenities. Just click on an amenity in the upper section to select it and the information associated with that amenity will display in the screen below.
Board / Committee Members
this module contains a list of all configured board and committee members. Here you will find their names, contact information, terms, and if they are configured for any online approvals (the Board Approval Setup column). To view a list of both current board members and previous board members whose terms have expired, slide the “Show All” box on top to Yes. The names and titles of board members listed here will also display on the Resident Portal; however, no contact information will be displayed.
at a minimum, the community calendar is used to store dates and times of board meetings, annual meetings, community inspections and community events. The Community Association Manager can also use it to track contract expirations, maintenance schedules, and any other work items needing to be documented for tracking, or to serve as a reminder. They may choose to make appropriate items visible to the residents on the Resident Portal as well. When first selected, all events will appear by default. If you prefer t view only certain types of events (such as meetings), select the type of event you want to see from the “Label” drop down menu above the calendar. Notice that behind the Community Calendar is an Amenity Calendar on which Amenity reservations can be tracked for communities with amenities the residents can reserve for private events.
Common Lots
the common lots module displays a listing of all common lots within your community. Data displayed here includes their size, Lot and Block information, tax exempt status and more. In states where the community association is provided notice of the appraised value on their common lots and an opportunity to appeal the appraised value prior to billing, property tax appraisal notices will be documented here as well on the PTA Received/PTA Not Received tabs.
Community Assets
the community assets module is very much like a reserve study, but in an interactive format. If your community association has had a reserve study conducted, the information contained in that reserve study will be transferred to the CiraNet Community Assets module for transparency, ease of access, and to aid in the annual budget process. As assets are updated and replaced, the asset module is updated with the assets new remaining useful life and new anticipated replacement cost, so you always have a current asset list.
Community Notes
community notes may contain a variety of notes on various topics, including financial reports, board motions, maintenance, amenities and more. It serves as a location to document information in a transparent nature and for historical purposes that might otherwise be lost over time. Board members can add notes by clicking the blue “+ Add New Note.”
Document Archive
under the Documents menu you will find the Document Archive for your community. The Document Archive allows you to access your community documents in .pdf format, and view which have been made visible to your residents on the Resident Portal. Copies of your Monthly Financial Reports and Monthly Management Reports are stored here for future reference should you misplace the email in which they were sent to you, or should you not receive it.
While you are in the Document Archive, notice the second tab behind the primary Documents tab. This is the Resale Package tab. The documents located here are the documents provided to individuals requesting a resale package in preparation for a conveyance. Your Community Association Manager can manage which documents are contained within this Resale Package
New Document Summary
under the Document Archive you will find the New Document Summary. This will show you all documents recently uploaded within the last 30 days by default. However, you can change that to 45 days, 60 days, 90 days, or whichever number of days you prefer. This helps you to locate newer documents without having to sift through the entire document archive.
Enforcement Policy
the enforcement policy module will display the enforcement policy that has been configured for your community. Since each community differs, this will vary from one community to another.
This section allows you to see how YOUR community is configured. Is your community configured to fine? How many notices will be sent before a fine is levied? Which notices will be sent? How many days must lapse between notices before another can be sent? Answers to all these questions can be located here. This can sometimes help board members understand what we can and cannot do in terms of issuing violation notices, as we must work within the configured enforcement policy. These configurations are generally based on your governing documents and state or federal requirements. Should your documents or laws change, your Community Association Manager can request a change to this configuration.
Graphs & Metrics
here you will find four pie charts displaying metrics on the financial status of the community, owner account status (percentage current vs. delinquent vs. prepaid), an analysis of operating expenses in the trailing twelve months (TTM) and number of homeowners that have open violations vs. those in compliance.
Any of the charts can be printed from the symbol in the far upper right of each square. This information is also visible to residents on the Resident Portal for their awareness.
Info Summary
the Community Information Summary contains a summary of general community information. While there are a set number of categories from which to choose, there are several additional customizable fields available to the Community Association Manager so the information may be tailored to your community.
Standard information displayed here includes Board and Annual meeting dates and locations, landscaper and trash service information, and Insurance Agent information. This information is visible on the residents on the Resident Portal.
the insurance module provides you with a listing of your current insurance policies, their terms, agent, carrier, policy type and premium. The current COI and policy, if available, are available in .pdf format from this page as well.
This module feeds into the monthly management report as well for full transparency, helping to assure there are never lapses in insurance coverage. To view expired policies, simply change the “show current” setting to “show all.”
Legal Summary
the Legal Information Summary contains a summary of legal requirements retrieved primarily from your governing documents. This summary also includes a few other pieces of important legal information, including the name of the association attorney chosen by the board. This Legal Summary is visible to your residents on the Resident Portal.
from this interactive community map, you can view all the lots within your community, and/or filter them by their status. By selecting the desired pins on the left, you can customize your map to only show homes that have Open – Not Fixed violations, for example (Red pin). Or only show homes that are Delinquent > 30 days (Red pin with $). Or that have a Conveyance within the Last 30 days (Brown pin). Check the “All Properties” box to see all properties within your community. Addresses that do not qualify for any of the listed flags will be displayed with a green pin.
Vendor Management
All contracts and certificates of insurance associated with the vendors that service your community are uploaded to the Vendor Management Module. This is where you can view those documents and access other vendor information. The action menu allows you to view Vendor Information (including contact info) from the View option, and Insurance or Contract documents from the View Insurance/View Contracts options. A vendor invoice may also be submitted from Action/Submit New Invoice. Vendors that are no longer being used at your community can be changed to an inactive status from the Action menu and reactivated later if needed.
The fourth item on the Community Menu is Properties, which includes the following items:
- Property Details – a detailed listing of all the properties within your community, including owner names and contact information. From here you can access a summary of owner information, and a link to the Property Workspace containing detailed owner information. The Property Workspace is detailed in the last section of this presentation.
- Resident Directory – a directory of all addresses within the community and names and contact info of only those owners that opted to disclose it. At a minimum, it allows all owners to have a listing of all addresses within the community. At best, it may also provide them with the names and contact information for their neighbors as well, but only if owners chose to disclose it.
Property Details
When you select Property Details from the menu, a listing of all addresses and owners appears on the left. Click to select one, and the owner account details appear on the right. The first screen displays the Primary tab labeled Property Information with the secondary tab below labeled Property Statuses. This tab displays their account balance, ACH enrollment status, delinquency or bankruptcy status, and much more. Any text in blue is a hyperlink that will take you to additional details.
- The second secondary tab labeled Property Information displays the owner account number, address, Phase/Section/Block/Lot information (if provided at the time of community onboarding), and assessment information associated with that lot.
- Moving from the Property Information tab to the Owner Information tab reveals two more secondary tabs below. The first is Owner Information which displays the legal owners of record and an alternate mailing address where applicable. Owners can change their mailing address as often as they like on the Resident Portal.
- And finally, the next secondary tab under the primary Owner Information tab will show any contacts associated with that account and their notification preferences. Contacts may differ from Owners. While the owner is the legal owner of record, the owner may add anyone they wish to add as a contact (spouse, child, parent, realtor, tenant, etc.). This is where you can determine if an owner and/or any of their contacts have opted in to receive standard or emergency mass texts (for communities that have opted in for that service) or e-mails. They may have multiple contacts and one receives the community emails whereas the other does not; it is entirely their choice.
Resident Directory
by default, the Resident Directory will first show only those residents who opted to share some of their information. When you click on an owner to select them, their information appears on the right.
Changing the setting from “Shared” to “All” causes the directory to display ALL addresses within the community. However, you will notice no names are displayed for most of them because most of the owners opted NOT to share their information.
The Print button allows you to print this to a printer or a .pdf document.
The fifth and final item on the Community Menu is Reports, which allows board members to generate the following reports:
- Move-In Summary – selecting Move-In Summary pulls up a listing of all conveyance that occurred within the previous 30 days. This report contains hyperlinks that allow you to conveniently access additional information.
- On Demand – from here, a variety of reports can be generated “on demand” depending on your need. A few favorites include report #255 – Amenity Access Items by Owner, #365 – Revenue and Expense for Trailing 13 Months, #369 – Projects/Tasks List, and #418 – YTD General Ledger by Subcategory. Experiment until you find your favorite!
- Summary – Previous Month – clicking here pulls up a listing of operations completed on behalf of your community association in the previous 30 days, sorted by category (assessments processed, violation citations, work orders entered, etc.) with hyperlinks that allow you to drill down and access additional information.
Move-In Summary
below is an example of a move-in summary. In this community, only one conveyance occurred within the last 30 days. The name of the new owner and the address both appear as hyperlinks. If you click on one of those hyperlinks, the Property Workspace for that individual owners will open in a new tab. We will take a deeper look at the Property Workspace module in the last section of this presentation.
On Demand
from the On Demand menu option, you can generate a variety of reports on a variety of topics whenever you desire, depending on your needs. To generate a report, simply select Run Report from the Action button next to your desired report. A few favorites include:
Report #255 – Amenity Access Items by Owner, #342 – Check/Payment Register, #343 – Work Orders Entered, #345 – Open Balances by Owner, #365 – Revenue and Expense for Trailing 13 Months, #369 – Projects/Tasks List, #391 – Violations, and #418 – YTD General Ledger by Subcategory. Experiment until you find your favorite!
Summary – Previous Month
the Summary – Previous Month page displays a dashboard summary for various management activities performed in the last month. Clicking the blue question marks next to any of the items will explain what each of those items is in more detail. Clicking on the blue hyperlinks in the Count column on the right will bring up a detailed list of all individual records that make up that total. For example, if I click on the 11 on the Collections – Referred Accounts row, it brings up another box displaying which 11 accounts were referred.
The next section on the Main Menu is CiraBooks, where all the financial information for your community is stored. Below is a listing of the features available on this menu, each of which will be explored in greater detail on the pages that follow.
- Accounts Payable – this menu provides you with access to numerous Accounts Payable reports and resources
- Accounts Receivable – this menu provides you with access to numerous Accounts Receivable reports and resources
- Financial Reports – this menu provides you with access to several Financial Reporting tools, including an interactive Actual vs Budget report
- General Ledger – this menu provides you with access to a General Ledger Report and a Trial Balance report.
Accounts Payable
AP Expense Detail
select this report to view a simplified listing of all YTD expenses for the current fiscal year or the previous year, sorted by vendor. The numbers in the Amount column are hyperlinks; clicking on them allows you to drill down and access more details about that transaction and access a copy of the invoice. To view the previous year, change the year in the “Filter by Year” box on the upper left. After two years, expenditure information is no longer accessible through this report, but remains available in all other AP reports in CiraBooks.
Accounts Receivable
AP Ledger
this feature allows you to generate an A/P ledger showing all expenditures for your chosen date range, sorted by vendor. While the report defaults to the current Accounting Period, users can select the Custom setting in the Range field and select any desired date range in the Period field to yield an A/P Ledger covering any desired date range. The ledger can also be isolated to one vendor by choosing a specific vendor in the Vendor field.
My Submitted Invoices
this feature allows you to submit a vendor invoice through the “+ Submit Invoice” link or look up invoices you personally submitted. It is similar to the Search Invoices feature; the difference is, Search Invoices searches for ALL invoices, whereas My Submitted Invoices only searches for invoices you personally submitted.
Open AP
selecting Open AP allows you to see Open Accounts Payable invoices that have been approved, but not paid yet. Reasons for this may include 1) it is queued up for the next check run which occurs every 24 hours or 2) the invoice could be awaiting board approval. For bills that are paid through EFT, we could be awaiting confirmation from the bank that the withdrawal has occurred via receipt of the monthly bank statement.
Open AP will also indicate the amount in your bank accounts before the bills were paid and the remaining amounts after they are paid.
Search Invoices
this feature allows you to search all invoices in CiraBooks. The Workflow Status column will indicate if an invoice is queued up for payment or if it has been completed. If your board is configured to approve invoices, you will also see invoices awaiting board approval. Once an invoice has been paid, click on the “Paid” hyperlink in the Payment Status column to access more payment information, including check number, date, and whether the check has cleared the bank.
To view the invoice, click on the .pdf image in the Invoice column. If you find an invoice was miscoded, click on the hyperlink in the Workflow ID column to open the workflow, change the GL code and click “Reclass” to change it. The change will be reflected on the next monthly financial report.
Submit Invoice
this feature allows you to submit an invoice directly into CiraBooks. Select your desired handling (note additional fees apply for rush handling requests), indicate any special instructions, and upload your invoice utilizing the Browse tool. If you do not have an invoice, as in the case of a resident reimbursement, you may upload the resident reimbursement form with receipts using the “Generate a Payment Request” option instead of the “Upload Vendor Invoice” option. You have the option of stopping there and submitting your invoice for processing. Or you can flip the Enter Payment Details switch to Yes, and add additional payment processing details, such as preferred bank account, total amount, payee, etc.
AR Ledger
this feature allows you to generate an A/R ledger showing all revenue activity for your chosen date range, sorted by owner. While the report defaults to the current Accounting Period, you can select the current fiscal year setting or the Custom setting in the Range field and select any desired date range in the Period field to yield an A/P Ledger covering any desired date range. The ledger can also be isolated to one homeowner if desired by choosing a specific vendor in the Owner field.
Assessment Rules
this feature allows you to view the configured assessment rules for your community. These rules include your assessment amounts and due dates, late fee and finance charge amounts and dates of application, and any special assessments or annual discounts where applicable. Just click the appropriate tab to see the desired information for the appropriate owner type (Homeowner, Commercial, Builder or Declarant). You will notice the assessment amounts are hyperlinks; clicking on them will allow you to drill down and access more details. For example, clicking on the assessment amount of $103.63 opens another box revealing that rate is applied to 562 owners. Clicking on the number 562 would reveal which owners that rate applies to.
Customer Aging
the Customer Aging page is a customizable view of a community’s aged delinquent accounts with a 1-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91+ display. It is very much like an AR Aging Summary, except while the Summary presents only totals for each aging period, Customer Aging lists out each individual account. When you first land on this page, simply click on the blue “View/Refresh” button to load the data.
Delinquency Detail
the Delinquency Detail page lists ALL owner accounts with a balance, allowing you to research certain details about them. The default view will display the highest Total Due balance at the top of the list. However, the data is displayed in a CiraNet grid which can be sorted and grouped in whichever customized manner you prefer.
As with all other reports, clicking on any of the hyperlinks allows you to drill down and access additional information. A detailed account statement is available in .pdf format in the Statement column on the far right for your convenience.
Financial Reports
Actual vs. Budget
the Actual vs. Budget page is an interactive interface that allows you to compare the actual revenue and expenses for a specific month (current or otherwise) and year-to-date (YTD) versus the community association’s adopted budget. To view the report, 1) select the desired reporting period; the title at the top indicates the period for which the books are closed through. However, you can set the filter forward to an unclosed period to include “in progress” numbers or set it to a prior period (for example, 12/31 to see year end numbers of a prior year). 2) Set the method to Cash or Accrual. 3) Choose the desired Fund (this will differ depending on the number of funds your community has); choosing ALL gives the total of all funds, but generally you will want to change this to Operating to view the day-to-day operating expenses. 4) Click the View/Refresh button to populate the results of the search to populate in the grid view below.
The Actual vs. Budget page offers several other helpful features. 5) When an expenditure is over or under budget, the CAM may leave a note explaining the reason on the notepad in either the Notes column for the month, or the YTD. 6) All of the expenditure figures are hyperlinks; clicking them brings you to another screen where you can access more information (see next page). 7) When a budget is created using our proprietary CiraBudget program (often bypassed in the first year of management), notes explaining the budget numbers will display in the Budget Notes column, serving as a reminder of the anticipated expenses that were factored into those budget numbers. 8) Click the symbol on the upper right to open the Actual vs. Budget page in a new screen.
As mentioned on the previous page, when you click on an expense number in the actual column for the month or YTD, it brings you to another screen where you can access more information. Here is an example of the first screen you might see. In this example, there are two expenditures that when combined, equal the total seen on the previous screen. Each of them is a hyperlink, which you can also click on to drill down further and access even more information.
Once you click on an individual invoice, it brings you to this screen where you can see the actual invoice and be provided with another opportunity to reclassify the invoice if it was miscoded to the wrong GL code. In addition, clicking on Payee will take you to that vendor’s profile in the Vendor Management Module should you wish to view their contract, certificate of insurance, look up their contact information, etc.
Benchmark Report
the Benchmark Report provides a roll-up view of certain operational and financial metrics based on a rolling 12-month average. It is designed largely for developers who have multiple properties managed on the CiraConnect platform so that they may be able to view a side-by-side comparison of their communities and averages for each of the categories.
However, even for non-developer communities, it holds value, as it provides an at a glance view of averages and where assessment dollars are being expended.
Financial Summary
the Financial Summary report provides a high-level Operating Fund and Balance Sheet view of the financial condition of your community association. This allows for a manager or board member to see the overall financial health of the community and understand where the community’s assets and liabilities are.
General Ledger
the General Ledger report functions the same as the AP Ledger report, except this feature allows you to generate a General Ledger showing all expenditures for your chosen date range, sorted by GL code, whereas the AP ledger sorts it by vendor. While the report defaults to the current Accounting Period, users can select the Custom setting in the Range field and select any desired date range in the Period field to yield a General Ledger covering any desired date range. The ledger can also be isolated to one or more desired GL codes by choosing specific GL codes in the From and To fields. Below is an example of a GL ledger for the Accounting Period of 11/1-11/30 for the expense GL codes 5010-7010, all of which is customizable.
The screenshot below gives you a better look at the customizable features.
- To generate a report for a specific month, set the Range to Accounting Period, and then select the desired month in the Period field to the right. To generate a report for the whole year or a custom date range, change the Range and the Period fields to the desired date ranges
- To generate a report for a specific range of GL codes, set the GL Account Group Selection field to Range, and then select the GL codes you want your report to start and end with in the From and To fields on the right. Conversely, to generate a report including ALL GL codes, set the GL Account Group Selection field to ALL.
- Once you have customized the settings to your liking, click the blue View/Refresh button to generate your report. You can view it there, or you can export it to excel by clicking on the export icon with the X.
Trial Balance
the Trial Balance is a tool for viewing a listing of the accounts in the general ledger for a selected financial period. The accounts include a beginning balance, the total of the debit and/or credit transactions during the period, and the ending balance. The grand total of the amounts in the debit and credit columns should equal each other in this double--entry accounting system. Just as with the AP and GL Ledgers, select your desired date ranges and funds and click the blue View/Refresh button to generate your report.
The next section of the primary Community menu is called My Work Queue which contains two modules that are helpful to the management of your community association.
- Community Management – this module has a sub-menu of features including the Architectural Application module, the Board Approvals box, and Maintenance Work Orders. Each is explored on the following pages.
- Projects/Tasks - the Projects / Tasks module is our interactive to-do list that is shared between the management team and the board members.
Community Management
Architectural Applications
the first item on the Community Management menu under My Work Queue is the Architectural Applications module. This module allows you to see the status of all pending Architectural Applications. This grid displays the name, address and nature of the alteration request (i.e., shed, painting, patio, etc.). The documents submitted will be attached via the paperclip icon in the Docs column. Emails received or sent in conjunction with the request will be linked via the envelope icon in the Emails column. As the committee is reviewing the application, you can view their discussion notes via the notepad icon in the Discussion Notes column. Once applications have been completed (whether approved, denied, or canceled), they remain available for viewing on the Closed Application tab directly behind the Open Application tab.
Board Approvals
the second item on the Community Management menu under My Work Queue is the Board Approvals module. If your board is configured to approve invoices, Architectural Applications, or collection referrals online, this is where board members would go to review and approve those items. Those board members who are configured to vote on such items will receive an email notification when there are items pending their review. The email will contain a link that will take them to the Board Approvals module where the review and approval process will occur.
The Board Approvals screen looks like the example below when you arrive here to approve an Architectural Application. We will break this down in the following pages.
To take action on the application, click on the Action button next to your name. If you prefer to review the documents first, you may view them via the paperclip icon in the Documents column.
Once you click on the Action button, another screen appears. You may also view the documents from here if you prefer by clicking on the blue View ACC Details button. Once you have reviewed the documents and are ready to cast your vote, click the green Approve button. If the approval is conditional, click the green Approve with Stipulation button. To deny the application, OR TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, ask questions, etc., click the red Deny/Request Additional Information button. Any notes you add during this process will appear on the notepad in the Discussion Notes column. However, if you add questions here without clicking on the red Deny/Request Additional Information button, the person handling your ACC’s will not be notified.
There may be times when you receive an email notification that an ACC awaits your approval, but when you arrive at the Board Approvals page, you find there is no Action button next to your name allowing you to vote on the item. Instead, you may find a View button, allowing you to View the application, but not vote on it. This is an indication that the item has already been decided. While each community is configured differently, a majority vote is generally required to decide an application. Once that majority is reached, the decision is made, and no further votes are required. You can view how your community is configured by clicking on the Approval Requirements hyperlink next to the Architectural Request Approval header as shown below. A box will open showing you how many votes are required to decide an application, and who is configured with the ability to vote.
Recently approved items will remain in the open Board Approvals area in View only mode, highlighted in green as shown below, for 3 days. After 3 days, they will move from the Open tab to the Closed tab.
The process functions exactly the same for the other two approval processes that the CiraNet Management Portal can accommodate online –Invoice Approvals and Collections Referrals.
The board members who are configured to approve these items will receive email notifications when there are items requiring their approval. The emails will contain links that will take them to the Board Approvals module.
- If the items have not already been decided, there will be an Action button next to the board members name which they can use to review the materials and cast their vote.
- If the items have already been decided, just as with the Architectural Applications, recently approved invoices or collection referrals will remain there highlighted in green for 3 days before moving to the Closed tab.
- Once again, to view the approval configurations for each process, just click on the Approval Requirements hyperlink next to the Collections Referral header or the Invoice Approval header.
Maintenance Work Orders
the third item on the Community Management menu under My Work Queue is the Maintenance Work Orders module. This is where you may view both open work orders and closed work orders, each on their respective tabs. The grid includes columns that will display the date the work order was created, its due date, the vendor the work order was assigned to, and the authorization amount provided to vendor, if applicable. To view additional details about the nature of the work order, click on the little arrow on the far left to expand it, and the work order description will appear. The work order module feeds into the monthly management report as well.
The next item on the My Work Queue menu is the Projects / Tasks module.
Projects / Tasks
the Projects / Tasks module is our interactive to-do list that is shared between the management team and the board members. A Project / Task can be created for each item that needs to be accomplished for the community. Upon arrival to this module, be sure to change the setting to show ALL tasks to see all tasks assigned to the manager or any other team member. Leaving it set to MY tasks will only display tasks assigned to you.
The Project / Task is continually updated by the person the task is assigned to until the task is completed. The completed tasks serve as a historical record of everything the board accomplished during a given date range and offer transparency. When properly utilized, the board should always be able to see the status of a pending project by checking the Project / Task. This module also feeds into the monthly management report for your awareness.
Projects/Tasks may be created by any team member - the Community Association Manager, the Assistant Community Association Manager, or even a board member! If you notice something requiring attention, rather than sending an email to your community association manager, you can just create a task! They will receive notification of the task and will take the appropriate follow-up action, which will be notated on the task. Creating a Project/Task is simple. Just click on the blue “+ Add New Project / Task” in the upper right of the module. Fill in the required fields designated with the red asterisk. Select the person you wish to assign the task to in the Responsible field. Select a due date from the calendar in the Due Date field. Set the Status to In Progress. Click on the green Save button to save your task. You can also assign a task to a fellow board member or anyone else on the team involved with the management of your community.
Property Workspace
When you first arrive at the Property Workspace for an individual property owner, you will notice it has similarities to the former Property Dashboard in CiraNet Classic and yet has its differences at the same time. The Property Workspace allows you to see owner account information exactly as it appears to your property owners when they log into the Resident Portal. Just like the Community Workspace, the main navigation menu is now on the left instead of across the top. However, just as with the Community Workspace, clicking on the three blue dots on the upper right section of the black menu calls up a horizontal menu that is much like the navigation menu in CiraNet Classic. The options underneath each heading are the same as the options under each menu header on the left. Each of these menus will be explored in greater detail in this presentation. The new Property Workspace menu consists of the following menu options:
- Account – the Account menu contains a submenu allowing access to a wide variety of information resources pertaining to that individual owners account. This includes items such as their architectural application history, their compliance status, contact information, and more. All these features will be detailed on the pages that follow.
- Administration – the Administration menu allows access to the Violations record for this individual homeowner. This is where you can view open and closed violations for this owner and report a new violation for this specific owner. When violations are entered directly from the Property Workspace vs. the Community Workspace, the owners address will pre-populate. This too will be detailed on the pages that follow.
Just as with the Community Workspace, the new Property Workspace is made up of Widgets and can be customized to suit your personal preferences. To start you off, the Property Owner – Board Workspace page has been created that looks much like the old Property Dashboard in CiraNet Classic. It consists of 6 widgets. If this Property Workspace works for you, you may never need or want to do anything with the customizable widgets. But if you do, widgets allow you to create your own, personalized Property Workspace containing only the widgets you want, and none that you don’t.
To create your customer Property Workspace, repeat the same procedure you followed to create your customized Community Workspace. The only difference is, the list of widgets from which you have to choose will differ from those available for the Community Workspace. For your convenience, a listing of the 27 available Widgets and the information each would display if imported into your customized Property Workspace is provided on the following page.
Property Widgets
- Property Statuses –includes account balance, delinquency status, resident portal and ACH status, open violations & open work orders
- Property Information – includes account number, lot information, & assessment rules assigned to the property
- Owner Information – includes account number, owner names, owner rights and privileges, and mailing address
- Contact Information – displays phone and email addresses and owners chosen communication preferences
- Account Statement – displays the owners account statement showing all charges and payments for desired date range
- Additional Info – pie chart displaying number and percentage of owners in violation of and in compliance with use restrictions
- Architectural Application – pie chart displaying number and percentage of owners in violation of and in compliance with use restrictions
- Compliance – pie chart displaying number and percentage of owners in violation of and in compliance with use restrictions
- Restrictions Summary – displays a summary of the use restrictions from the community’s governing documents
- Report a Violation – provides a convenient method of reporting a violation on a specific property
- Work Order – a convenient place to view open and/or closed work orders for an individual property
Community Widgets
- Account Status Summary – pie chart displaying Current, Delinquent and Prepaid Owners by Percentage and Quantity
- Cash & Investment by Account Summary – pie chart displaying funds in all bank accounts as of close of business of previous business day
- Operating Fund – TTM Expenses Summary – pie chart displaying expenditures by category during the TTM (i.e., landscaping, repairs, etc.)
- Violations Summary – pie chart displaying number and percentage of owners in violation of and in compliance with use restrictions
- Community Service Team – a listing of the local management team that services your community, including your Community Association Manager, Assistant Community Association Manager, Director of Community Association Management, VP and/or Branch Manager
- Local Service Office – the address of the local office that services your community association with the support of the CiraConnect Shared Service Groups
- Community Statistics – Includes community’s legal name, formation date, fiscal year, lot count, type, contract start date, and description
- Board / Committee Members – a listing of the board and committee members that serve your community with contact information
- Information – general community information including board/annual meeting info, landscaper, trash service, insurance agent, etc.
- Legal Information – assessment remittance addresses, excerpts from your governing documents, association attorney, FEIN # & more
- Resident Directory – a listing of all addresses within the community, and names/contact info of residents who opted to share it with neighbors
Now that you have your new Property Workspace all set up the way you prefer, we can start exploring the navigation menu of the Property Workspace. We begin with the Account menu.
Additional Information
the first module on the Account menu is Additional Information. The information contained here is the same as the information found on the Additional Info module on the Community Menu when you are on the Community Workspace. The difference is, when viewing this module on the Community Workspace, you can view all the information for all owners in the community, whereas while viewing this module from the Property Workspace, only the information pertaining to this individual owner will be available. Once again, this is an optional feature utilized only by communities who are required to track owner insurance, leases, vehicle/license plates, etc.
In this example, the community tracks owner vehicle. The screenshot gives you an idea of what the display would look like. However, the columns would differ if the chosen selection were owner insurance, leases or pets. What displays on this module will vary based on the needs and resulting configuration of the community.
Architectural Application
the next module on the Account menu is Architectural Application. Here you may view Architectural Applications for a specific property owner in a summary format. Any open and pending Architectural Applications will appear on the Open Applications tab, while applications previously approved since we began managing your community be available on the Closed Applications tab. The data grids indicate the nature of the project, date of submission, etc., and you can view the submission documents via the paperclip icon in the Docs column. This module differs from the Manage ACC Module further down this menu which offers a more in-depth look at Architectural Applications along with the ability to report a violation. When
the next module on the Account menu is Compliance. This module displays any open deed restriction violations on this property owners account in a quick summary format. This module differs from the Violations Module under the Administration Menu, which provides a more in-depth look at violations at the Property Workspace level and offers the option to report a new violation.
When residents log into the Resident Portal, the Compliance module displays on their account dashboard, immediately informing them if they have any open violations requiring attention. As a reminder, open violations may be fixed or not fixed. Fixed violations may remain open as long as legally allowable to allow us to resume enforcement procedures where we left off should the violation return.
Contact Information
the next module on the Account menu is Contact Information. Here owners can add additional Contacts to their account and tailor their communication preferences. Contacts can be anyone – the property owner, their children, parents, property manager, tenant, etc. The property owner can provide contact information (phone and/or e-mail) for each contact and indicate communication preferences for each individual contact. For example, perhaps the owner prefers to receive billing statements electronically, whereas in the case of a rental, they want their tenant to receive violation notices electronically (in markets where legally allowable). Or the owner prefers to have everyone who lives in the unit (children, parents, etc.) receive community emails containing information about social events, scheduled maintenance, etc. Contacts can be added from Manage Contacts on the upper left. Phone/Email and communication preferences may be modified here as well.
Manage ACC
the next module on the Account menu is Manage ACC. While the Architectural Application module discussed 3 pages back allows you to view Architectural Applications for a specific property owner in a summary format, this module provides additional details and options. For example, the Manage ACC grid displays the project ID, item ID, a hyperlink to the owners account allowing you to open another page and access other account information without losing your place, the application status (submitted to committee, manager review, approved, denied, etc.), links to emails associated with the applications, and access to discussion notes added by committee member during the review of the application. This menu also offers an Action menu on the left which allows modification to the application (perhaps to add additional documents received or modify the description) and the option to create a custom response to the property owner (this is typically done once a decision is rendered).
Owner Information
the next module on the Account menu is Owner Information. This module displays the Owner(s) of Record, their account number, the owner rights and privileges, closing date (if available) and owner mailing addresses.
Property Owners do have the ability to change their mailing address as often as they like on the Resident Portal. Snowbirds may choose to change it when they go away for the winter, and then change it back when they return to their primary home for the remainder of the year. The address history log retains a history of how often the address was changed, by whom, and on what date, visible to internal users.
Portal Dashboard
the next module on the Account menu is Portal Dashboard. This is exactly what the resident sees when logging in to the Resident Portal. It offers a birds-eye view of their account. The first section displays their account balance, and if any funds are owed, it provides a quick and convenient link that may be used to make a payment. The next section contains several quick links to commonly used features, including updating their contact info and mailing address. The Activities section displays their most recently activity, which typically includes their most recent payments. And finally, the Compliance section informs them if they have any open deed restriction violations. If they do not, we thank them for their compliance!
Property Information
the next module on the Account menu is Property Information. This page includes data that uniquely identifies each property in the platform, including legal information and the assessment rules associated with an individual property.
The Account #, Community ID and Check Digit/Pin are what identifies a specific property owner account and the community in which it exists. The Check Digit/Pin is used to secure the account, ensure quality data and validate account information by payment providers to efficiently apply payments to the correct account. It is these three pieces of information residents need to register on the Resident Portal.
Report a Violation
the next module on the Account menu is Report a Violation. This module allows you to report a violation directly into the platform for this particular property owners. Click in the required fields designated with a red asterisk and make the appropriate selection from the drop-down menu. Although not required, it is also helpful to indicate the location, and add a detailed description. Finally, adding a photograph of the violation is recommended, as it allows us to proceed with enforcement without the need to wait to verify the violation on the next inspection. Date and time stamped is preferred, as it is indisputable evidence of the violation.
Resident Portal Documents
the Resident Portal Documents module is a window into the resident’s view when they log into the resident portal and go to this folder. Here they will be able to view community documents that the community association manager has made visible to residents, as well as documents that pertain to their account (i.e., account statements and deed restriction violation notices). Only they will be able to see the documents that pertain to their account; no other residents can see that except for board members.
Resident Portal Documents differs from the Document Archive which only displays community documents. While you can scroll through the document archive and determine which documents are visible to your community members, this module makes that task simpler. It also makes it easier to isolate resident specific documents when you are only interested in finding information for one individual property owner.
Restrictions Summary
next is the Restrictions Summary. As mentioned on the Community Workspace section of this presentation, this page displays a summary view of all the restrictions that have been configured in the platform. It provides a reference for owners, boards and internal users to see what is allowed in the community in an interactive format. Just click the + sign on the left to expand any of the sections and click the – to collapse it. This summary includes the rule as stated in your documents, and a simplified explanation of what needs to be done to correct it, which prints on the violation letters. This module contains a convenient search feature, allowing you to search by a key word or words. The listing also appears on the Resident Portal so that residents have quick access to the community rules even if they have misplaced their documents.
Next on the Account menu is Statement. The page first loads on the Statement tab. Here you can view the account Statement for a particular property owner. This will display all account charges and payments for the date range you select in the Begin Date and End Date fields. Behind the Statement tab you will find the Open Balance tab. When an owner has an outstanding balance, this tab breaks the it out by charge type. This helps you quickly identify what portion of the outstanding balance is assessments vs. late fees, finance fees, fines, legal charges, etc. In most markets, owners cannot be referred to a collection agent for an outstanding balance that does not contain assessments; the open balance tab makes it easy to identify why such an account might not be eligible for referral.
Work Orders
The last module on the Account menu is Work Orders. Here you can view any work orders issued for this individual property owner, including their work order number, description, status and issue date.(Work orders for all owners within the community may be viewed from the Community Workspace under My Work Queue \ Community Management \ Maintenance Work Orders.) Open Work Orders would appear on the Open Work Orders tab, while work orders that have been completed appear on the Closed Work Orders tab. Work Orders are typically issued for a specific property address in condominium and townhomes where the association maintains the unit exterior and/or portions of interior common areas. In single family home communities, this is less likely. If a homeowner reports an issue with a common area, the work order is issued using the address of the common area or amenity instead of the address of the owner who reported it.
If the work order was linked to a Project/Task, the link will appear in the Tasks column. If any photos showing the area in need of repair are linked to the work order, you can view them in the column with the paperclip icon.
To view the violation record associated with an individual property owner, from the Property Workspace, go to Administration and then Violations. Here you may view both open and closed violations for the owner and report a new violation.
Open violations will appear on the Open tab that first appears on the grid. If none appear, there are no open violations. A violation may be fixed and still open so that if it reoccurs, we can resume the enforcement process from where we left off instead of needing to start over at the beginning.
To view closed violations, click on the Closed tab, set the date range through which you wish to search for violations, and click refresh.
To report a violation directly into the CiraNet platform, click on the blue + Report Violation button on the far upper right and populate the fields utilizing the drop-down menus.